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What's the difference between
What's the difference between
pictorial matter vs picture
land area vs acreage
wapiti vs elk
inadequateness vs inadequacy
benevolent vs beneficent
pose vs impersonate
carob vs carob bean
perversive vs corruptive
insolvent vs bankrupt
menagerie vs zoo
rent vs lease
kowtow vs kotow
wild cherry tree vs wild cherry
ladies' man vs seducer
Afghan vs Afghan hound
expulsion vs projection
Jimmy Stewart vs Stewart
whipping vs snappy
deadly vs lifelessly
Bruxelles vs Brussels
Republic of the Philippines vs Philippines
public violence vs riot
sob vs sobbing
gregariously vs sociably
westerly vs westbound
sharp vs acute
annoyance vs annoying
brainwave vs brain wave
Sir Joshua Reynolds vs Reynolds
undistinguishable vs indistinguishable
haggard vs careworn
transitory vs ephemeral
tempering vs annealing
indubitably vs beyond doubt
lawn mower vs mower
excerpt vs excerption
VHF vs hemorrhagic fever
Marquise de Montespan vs Montespan
shamisen vs samisen